Carefully selected and vetted training materials especially suited for a non-statistician audience.
A YouTube video explaining the uses and interpretation of the chi-squared test of independence. Watch the videoWhat the video offersThis 20-…
A webpage describing the uses and interpretation of t-tests.Read about t-testsWhat this resource offersThis is a concise, yet comprehensive non-…
A seminar's video and slide deck on collecting race and ethnicity data.Watch the videoView the slide deckWhat the seminar offersThis is a 50-minute…
An editorial published in JAMA providing guidance on reporting of race and ethnicity. Read the editorialWhat the editorial offersThis is an…
A video lecture providing an introductory overview of study designs covering both observational and experimental designs:Watch the lectureWhat the…
A published article providing an introductory overview of the study designs and outcome measures most commonly used in clinical research.Read the…
A webpage describing the various types of study designs and how they rank in terms of evidential strength.Read the guideWhat the guide offersThis…
A simple, clear blog post explaining what observed power (post-hoc power) is and why it is a “useless statistical concept”.Read the blog postWhat the…
A short, clear, peer-reviewed article explaining “why it is nonsensical to use retrospective power analyses to conduct a postmortem on your study”.…
A published article describing the non-parametric methods most commonly used in medical research.Read the articleWhat the article offersThis article…
A published article which provides an introduction to nonparametric tests, including the history, principles, advantages and disadvantages, and…
A short, 5-page document from a Mayo Clinic statistician providing a clear description of non-parametric testing compared to parametric testing.Read…
A YouTube video of a 53-minute seminar from the Medical College of Wisconsin’s CTSI describing how to use basic non-parametric statistical methods.…
An educational document explaining the impact of multiple testing and approaches to controlling it.Read the guideWhat the guide offersThis clinician-…
A short 11-minute YouTube video describing how to recognize and guard against multiple testing problems in medical research.Watch videoWhat the video…