Finding and working with a (bio)statistician

Description: Concise webpage on what to expect when consulting or collaborating with a biostatistician.

Link: University of Kansas Medical Center webpage

Who is this resource for: Clinicians

Who created this resource: Biostatisticians in KUMC’s Department of Biostatistics

What does this resource offer:

This is a short summary of what new clinician/clients need to know about collaborating with a biostatistician. The topics below are each addressed in a paragraph or two:
•    What is statistical collaboration and consultation?
•    Do you need a statistical collaborator or consultant?
•    Roles of a statistical collaborator or consultant 
•    How to involve a statistical collaborator or consultant prior to data collection
•    How to involve a statistical collaborator or consultant after the data has been collected 
•    How to prepare for the initial consultation
•    What to expect from the initial consultation
•    Responsibilities of a statistical consultant
•    Responsibilities of a client
•    Ethics in statistical consulting